
"70 domande per il futuro dell'Umbria" Presentazione dell’indagine realizzata dal CRESME Ricerche - conferenza stampa Martedì 13 giugno ore 11.00


"70 questions for the future of Umbria" Presentation of the survey conducted by CRESME Ricerche - press conference Tuesday 13 June 11.00 a.m.

13 June 2023

"70 questions for the future of Umbria"

Sharing - Co-responsibility - Competitiveness - Reputation - Attractiveness

Presentation of the survey conducted by CRESME Ricerche


The press conference will be held at the "Galeazzo Alessi" Chamber Services Centre in Perugia, Tuesday 13 June 2023 at 11.00 a.m.


Institutional greeting: Giorgio Mencaroni Presidente CCIAA Umbria

Introduction: Michele Carloni Presidente CNA Umbria

Presentation of study: Lorenzo Bellicini Director CRESME Ricerche

Speakers: Michela Sciurpa CEO Sviluppumbria and Stefano Lupi Vice President Confcommercio Umbria

Conclusions: Michele Fioroni Regional Councillor for Economic Development and Donatella Tesei President of the Umbria Region

