


SHARE - Sustainable approach to cultural heritage for the urban area requalification of Europe

Interreg Europe cooperation project - Share

Cultural heritage is a focus of pride and identity for citizens as well as an important driver of tourism. The Interreg Europe project SHARE studies sustainable ways to improve the protection, promotion, accessibility and development of urban cultural heritage sites across Europe. The project includes partners from Spain, Romania, Sweden, UK, Hungary and Croatia, with Sviluppumbria as lead partner.

In the active phase of the project, which ended on 31 December 2018, the partners took part in research activities, focus groups with local stakeholders, visits to monuments and destinations illustrating different aspects of cultural heritage management, and exchanges of good regional practices. The objective of the learning activities is the Local Action Plan, prepared by each partner, which presents suggestions for improving the implementation of a regional policy, which in Umbria is the ERDF ROP 2014-2020, Axis 6: Sustainable Urban Development.

View the Action Plan for Umbria and other partner territories.

The monitoring phase of the SHARE project, which started in 2019, aims to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the suggested improvements. In 2020, an event will be organised in Perugia to present the overall results of the project to the public.

SHARE's financing (Interreg Europe - ERDF) is 1,409,076.00 Euros


European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

SHARE has been identified as a relevant initiative for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, an initiative intended to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe's cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. The slogan for the year is: Our heritage: where the past meets the future.

Learn more about the initiative and search for events in your country at the European Year of Cultural Heritage portal.

SHARE: sustainable management of cultural heritage of European cities and towns

Presentation of SHARE's results

SHARE project final conference: its work, lessons and impact

SHARE Citizen-stakeholder meeting

SHARE partners meet in Extremadura

EU Policy Brief on Cultural Heritage features SHARE

Workshop “Sustainability and Quality of Life”

Via di Francesco presented as sustainable tourism good practice

Umbria's experience in managing cultural heritage presented in Sweden
SHARE featured in ebook Connecting Cultures, Connected Citizens.
Interreg Europe Info Day in Assisi
Good practices in sustainable management of cultural heritage
SHARE: meeting of Umbrian stakeholders
European Year of Cultural Heritage: SHARE recognised as relevant project
SHARE: Study visit in Extremadura, Spain
Focus Group meeting for SHARE project

Umbria protagonist in Europe

Sviluppumbria presents the Via di Francesco on an Interreg Europe webinar
The experience of SHARE in the outlook for sustainable cultural heritage in the 2021-2027 programming




Valeria Manna
phone: +39 0744806046

Cathleen Foderaro
phone: +39 0744 806047


Chiara Dall'Aglio
phone:+39 075 5681204