una tantum

"Una Tantum Autonomi" Public Notice: procedures and deadlines to apply for assistance

How and when to submit applications

The notice Una Tantum Autonomi (One-off for the self-employed) was published in the BURU no. 1 of 7 January 2021, Ordinary Supplement 8.

Applications must be submitted by the final beneficiary referred to in Article 5 of the Notice using exclusively the online service accessible at https://servizidigitali.arpalumbria.it/ with access through their SPID - Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale (Public Digital Identity System) digital identity with two-factor authentication.

The application can be filled in from 12:00 noon on 14 January 2021 until 14:00 on 26 February 2021 through https://servizidigitali.arpalumbria.it.

For the purposes of the legal validity of the application for assistance, only the electronic transmission carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in this article shall be considered valid; applications prepared and transmitted using methods other than those indicated above shall be considered inadmissible.

Download the Una Tantum Autonomi notice published in the BURU (in Italian)


Request information by phone

- Perugia tel. 075/5681280 and 075/5681281

- Terni tel. 0744/806070 and 0744/806071

The service is available Monday through Thursday mornings (8:30 -13:30) and afternoons (14:30 - 17:30) and Friday mornings.

Address for support by Email : avvisounatantum@sviluppumbria.it