
bioeco_ incontro

Bio-Eco presentation

The new frontiers of the Bioeconomy: green purchasing, public administration and businesses

24 October 2018

On 12 October, as part of the Fà la cosa giusta fair, a public discussion on the theme of "Green Purchasing" took place at the Novamont stand to present the European project BIO ECO R.D.I., led by Sviluppumbria.

Diego Mattioli, project manager of the Bio-Eco project, introduced and moderated of the discussion, presenting its characteristics, objectives and aims, and the expectations linked to this specific meeting. Giuseppina Baldassarri, head of the Bio-eco project for Sviluppumbria, described the regulatory framework supporting regional policies on the theme of bioeconomy, circular economy, industrial symbiosis and energy efficiency.

Luca Bianconi, president of the Regional Green Chemistry Cluster and owner of the company Polycart spa, expressed the Cluster’s interest in the issues that the Bio-Eco project intends to develop, as they coincide with the new frontiers opened by the bioeconomy and with the growing market needs. Bianconi has also focused on two needs that are becoming unavoidable. The first is that the entire industrial system must grow in mutual knowledge and self-esteem. The second, which is in some way the corollary of the first, is the growing importance of developing connections among the different regional experiences that can cross-pollinate the ideas and joint development projects between companies.

Enzo Faloci, director of the Umbria Export consortium, stressed the great opportunity offered by the Bio-Eco project to build a technological, commercial and scientific partnership between the countries of the Adriatic-Ionian area through a technological platform that will involve at least one hundred entities including businesses, universities, research centres and public bodies. Faloci also said that this project represents a unique opportunity to start from a virtual match-making to plant seeds destined to germinate and produce fruits in the future through the contact established between the shores of the two seas.

Enrico Fontana, of Legambiente, emphasized public leverage, that is, on the great possibility offered by the "conversion" of the public administration to green procurement through the introduction of minimum environmental criteria (CAM) in the procurement code. Awareness of the culture of sustainable production and consumption among businesses is fundamental in two respects. The first refers to the importance, for each company, to implement internal monitoring of energy consumption in order increase effectiveness and efficiency of production. The second concerns the keys to the future competitiveness of companies on international markets that will be increasingly linked to their degree of adherence to the criteria of sustainable economy and their internal environmental performance.

In concluding the debate, Enzo Faloci took noted that sensitivity towards the organic and non-profit economy will become an increasingly competitive factor on the global market and Diego Mattioli added that in Anglo-Saxon companies the social balance of environmental responsibility is a success factor of growing importance for listing on the stock exchange.


For more information, visit the dedicated BIO-ECO page.