
From the present to the future: Toward the ecosystem of innovation

evento monteluce

From the present to the future: Toward the ecosystem of innovation

08 - 10 January 2019

The new road to innovation in Umbria is based on the transfer of skills and knowledge from the University to the territory, from communities to businesses. Doctoral scholarships and grants, funded by the Umbria Region, aim to create direct impacts of research projects within companies, while also improving the quality of local production activities. This is the message emerging from the meeting held today in Monteluce entitled "From the Present to the Future: towards the innovation ecosystem". Sviluppumbria's Managing Director Mauro Agostini summarised the value of the initiative: "the path of innovation passes from the strategic link between start-ups (or businesses) and research".

Some of the areas developed by researchers within companies were presented thanks to regional resources: from blockchain to technological innovation in the pet food sector, from the protection of rights to new risk management and disaster recovery strategies.

The initiative, organized by the Region of Umbria and Sviluppumbria with the collaboration of the University of Perugia and the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Adisu Umbria and ADI Umbria is one of those related to the creation of a Living LAB and aimed at promoting the development of innovative solutions that can involve citizens, businesses and public administration.

Visit the page dedicated to the LIVING LAB