
livinglab philosophy


Living LAB European project presented in the Aula Magna of the Philosophy Department

23 October 2018

A meeting to present the guidelines of the innovative European project Living LAB was held in the Aula Magna of the University of Perugia’s Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Human Sciences and Education. It is one of the meetings scheduled in collaboration with the Umbria Region, Sviluppumbria and the Regional Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund to present the project.

The meeting was attended by the Regional Councillor Prof. Antonio Bartolini, the General Manager of Sviluppumbria Mauro Agostini and Prof. Massimiliano Marianelli.

Agostini presented the two main spaces of the initiative: the virtual one, a computer platform, and the physical one, i.e. the district of Monteluce, recently renovated, within which the so-called Living LAB will be opened.

Agostini then outlined the basic lines of the initiative, to be built together with all the actors involved according to the needs that will emerge from the citizens, with a view to stimulating innovation and participation. A close convergence will be created between universities, institutions, businesses and citizens, able to lead to the creation of a path that will have the potential to lead to the registration of patents and then to the entrepreneurial implementation of the proposed idea. "No longer in the solitude of the web,” said Agostini, “but together in the web. We are not here to present but to share. The institutions are ready to help citizens as active protagonists, as already happens, for example, in Turin or Puglia. Two very different cases that highlight, among other things, the flexibility of the model presented today.”

Regional councillor Antonio Bartolini highlighted how, in a society increasingly based on the so-called intangible economics and creative enterprise, the students of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Human Sciences and Education can make a fundamental contribution, especially in the area of the so-called Digital Humanities. “From young people, for young people,” added Bartolini, “to give wings to their hopes".

"It is a project,” concluded Prof. Marianelli, “which, starting from the basics, identifies the real needs of citizens, businesses and institutions. Not top-down solutions but shared solutions, in which, as in modern educational theory, institutions act as facilitators, as tutors if you like. A revolution in the vertical approach used before. This initiative recalls the origins of the feeling of Athenian democracy. It is a possibility to radically regenerate, according to critical knowledge, what is in the network".

Learn more about the LIVING LAB project