
Partecipate regionali: l’informativa della Presidente della Regione Umbria Donatella Tesei presentata oggi in Giunta Regionale.


The Region’s partially-owned companies: briefing by Umbria Region President Donatella Tesei to the Regional Council

30 November 2022

Umbria Region President Donatella Tesei presents data to the council on the health of the Region’s partially-owned company system


Perugia, 30 Nov. 2022 - At today's meeting, President Tesei reported to the Regional Council on the state of health of the system of regional investee companies, which today encompasses 16 entities (Puntozero Scarl, Parco 3A Scarl, Sviluppumbria Spa, Umbria TPL e mobilità Spa, Gepafin Spa, Sase Spa, Umbriafiere Spa, Arpa, Arpal, Aur, Afor, Ater, Umbraflor, Consorzio Scuola umbra amministrazione pubblica, Umbria Jazz Foundation, Foundation for the Prevention of Usury) with about 200 M€ in total direct business volumes, 1,792 employees and, most importantly, representing a universe of services to citizens and businesses on behalf of the region.

Today's briefing made available to the Council the data collected by the Investee Service, which has seen its control system strengthened since 2020. Despite the cyclical and exogenous difficulties that have characterized 2022, above all the sharp rise in energy and overhead costs due to inflation, the Region’s partially-owned companies do not show financial tensions and have closed budgets that are balanced or in surplus, with no negative economic, financial or asset consequences for the regional budget that consolidates them. The exception is the Umbria Jazz Foundation, which, finding itself managing major events in a reference market characterized by substantially oligopolistic suppliers and in the constancy of the inflationary boom, will present a 2022 imbalance of about 400 K€, amortized by its endowment fund, which has been reconstituted in recent years, and which the Members unanimously have already committed to replenish when presenting the 2022 operating budget.

President Tesei's report also dwelt on the positive state of implementation of the reorganization plan ex art.67 in Umbria TPL e Mobilità Spa and of the reorganization plan and budget of Sase Spa, characterized by outstanding results. In addition, a detailed focus on the number of personnel units of the partially-owned companies was represented and highlighted how this from 2018 to 2022 has grown by only 1.99% in the face of revenues that have grown by about 70%. These data demonstrate per tabulas that the strategy of productivity recovery of the investee system pursued by the Junta from 2020 to the present has been fully realized, moreover allowing the Region, which has shifted volumes of work to the investee system, to save about 8 M€ in personnel costs.

In 2022, ambitious new goals in terms of performance improvement and spending review (representation expenses, consulting, missions, training, company cars, public relations) have been given to the partially-owned companies system, which are being pursued and will be helpful in facing a very complicated 2023 in which energy and inflationary crises will put a strain on the accounts of public companies.

"In three years, the reorganization of the 16 partially-owned companies," said President Tesei, "has allowed for an increase in business volume of 74 million euros, against an increase in staff of only 35, as well as, thanks to the shifting of work volumes, we have managed to achieve savings of 8 million euros in regional personnel costs. With the 2022 budget, I have asked the investee companies to also draw up a social budget, that is, of all the activities carried out by each reality precisely in support of the community, as well as paying close attention to the spending review in view of a 2023 that looks extremely complex due to the international economic situation."


(press release issued by the Agenzia Umbria Notizie)