
Umbria Region Real Estate Showcase

Umbria Region Real Estate Showcase

Umbria Region Real Estate Showcase

The Umbria Region Real Estate Showcase ( is one of the Web communication tools identified to promote the Real Estate Assets for Valuation/Alienation. The site publishes the real estate identified, according to the Annual Plans of Activation and the Triennial Programme of Asset Policy (Art. 3 Regional Law 14/97 and subsequent amendments and supplements).
The promotion strategy is based on the identification of estates according to their potential for development and intended use.
Sviluppumbria designs and publishes proposals, of use to potential investors, regarding real estate assets capable of developing a potential economic business and, therefore, considered of importance to the regional economy.

Behind this strategy, Umbria holds strong values recognisable anywhere: beauty, landscape, history, culture, social cohesion, respect and protection of traditions. Potential investors are offered exclusive rights to the assets of Umbria, a unique place in the world.
The opportunities concern potential development in the three sectors Tourism - Hospitality, Production, Residential.
For each “Estate Entity” a “product sheet” has been drawn up which summarises all the main information contained in the Back Office of the Computerised system, such as localisation, photographic documentation, values, town planning/cadastral data, and including the status of the sale procedure.



Emanuela Malizia


Telephone: +39 0742 32681


Coordinator Area of international activities, heritage and territorial marketing


Mauro Marini


Telephone: +39 075 56811

