
Project Umbria Tunisia

Meeting at Sviluppumbria

Project Umbria Tunisia

14 June 2017


The Director General for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Ministry of Industry in Tunisia Dhaou Sadok Bejja this morning was welcomed at the headquarters of Sviluppumbria by Director Mauro Agostini, and by representatives of the project partnership staff.

The meeting was the occasion for a mutual exchange of information in view of the forthcoming launch of project activities.

The technical cooperation project for strengthening the support system for SMEs and start-ups in Tunisia had started in January with the official ceremony of signing the project.



Marina Cecilia Sereni


Telephone: + 39 075 56811

Coordinator Area of international activities, heritage and territorial marketing


Mauro Marini


Telephone: +39 075 5681231