
svilupo sostenibile

Double event in Terni, themed on sustainability, circular economy and the 2030 agenda

On Friday, 28 Oct., starting at 9:30 a.m., the final event of the project will take place.  GROUND - Green On Umbria for New Development – is fruit of the partnership between the Umbria Region, Parco 3A - Agrifood Technology Park of Umbria, CESAR - Center for Agricultural and Rural Development and Sviluppumbria, and is funded by the European Commission among the initiatives of the JRC (Joint Research Centre).

Sviluppumbria’s Terni offices will host the meeting of the actors involved - Government, Business, Civil Society and Scientific Research – who will discuss the initiatives arising from the challenges that GROUND has addressed: bioplastics, compost and awareness on Circular Economy.

Planned speakers include Michele Fioroni (Councillor for Economic Development, Umbria Region), Roberto Morroni, (Councillor for Agricultural and Agri-food Policies and Environmental Protection and Enhancement, Umbria Region) Albano Agabiti (President Coldiretti Umbria), Stijn Verleyen and Luisa Marelli (Joint Research Centre).

At 3 p.m. a participatory event will take place to hear the views of businesses on the Regional Sustainable Development Strategy with a focus on tools useful for assessing the sustainability of businesses and their monitoring, aware of their fundamental role in the environmental, economic and social context of the Region.

The event is accredited for the recognition of professional training credits to doctors of Agronomy and of Forestry.

View the programme for the final event of project GROUND - Green On Umbria for New Development 

View the programme for the meeting of enterprises and the regional strategy for sustainable development