
The Guardian

via di francesco

Journalist for English daily reporting on the Via di Francesco

10 July 2019

A travel writer for The Guardian, a prestigious London daily, is in Umbria this week, walking the Via di Francesco from Assisi to Piediluco. This section of the itinerary includes stops in Perugia, Assisi, Spello, Foligno, Trevi, Poreta, Spoleto, Scheggino, Ferentillo, Arrone and Piediluco. Along the way the journalist will stop at many cultural and natural sites, both well-known (the Eremo delle Carceri, the Cascate delle Marmore) and less-visited (the Eremo delle Allodole, the Franciscan sanctuary of Monteluco).

The Via di Francesco is attracting increasing interest from tourists and the international press. Every year the number of pilgrims who decide to walk the Way increases. Sviluppumbria, together with numerous local partners and volunteers, is committed to maintaining and developing this path that is becoming a world-class destination for slow and sustainable tourism.

Sviluppumbria developed the Via di Francesco together with many local partners and volunteers, and it has become a world-class destination for slow, sustainable tourism. The journalist’s visit is one of many activities Sviluppumbria carries out on behalf of the Region to promote tourism in Umbria.


More information about the Via di Francesco