Programme agreement for former Merloni area Law 181/89

Programme agreement for former Merloni area Law 181/89

Following the review of the Programme Agreement between Umbria Regional Authority, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Marche Regional Authority and Invitalia, Sviluppumbria was appointed by the Umbria Regional Authority in accordance with Invitalia, to prepare and set up a special regional Territorial Agency.

The purpose of this agency is to promote, assist and accompany the enterprises to prepare projects of major importance (minimum amount indicated by Invitalia, EUR 2 million) to be implemented in the 17 municipalities of the Former Merloni area  (Assisi, Bastia Umbra, Bevagna, Campello sul Clitunno, Costacciaro, Foligno, Fossato di Vico, Gualdo Tadino, Gubbio, Nocera Umbra, Scheggia and Pascelupo, Sigillo, Spello, Spoleto, Trevi, Valfabbrica and Valtopina), so that they can access the financial and logistic benefits envisaged by Law 181, which for that area expects a higher level of aid than is standard.

This will be achieved by using three tools: a subsidised loan, a grant and a share in the company’s capital.

Within the review of the Programme Agreement, the Umbria Region Authority is identified as the receiver of a fund equal to EUR 17.5 million, dedicated to financial incentives for projects presented in the 17 municipalities of the former Merloni area.

The purpose behind setting up the Territorial Agency consists, on the one hand, of the phases of promotion and diffusion of the information concerning the financial and logistic subsidies envisaged by the Merloni Law 181 and, on the other, of the technical assistance to the companies as they prepare their investment plan and of the interface with the fund operator (Invitalia).

WARNING: The term of the Programme Agreement has been postponed to 17 March 2017 by the integrative Deed of 18 March 2015. The contents of the Programme Agreement will be redrafted according to the new procedures of implementation of the national tools, introduced by the Ministerial Decree of 9 June 2015. Subsequently, new applications may be presented to request national funds equal to EUR 35 million.

Below is the direct link to the page of Invitalia dedicated to the Merloni Law 181 .


The Managerial Decree No. 26398 of 22 March 2016 implemented the intervention, pursuant to the Law No. 181/1989. In short, the measure promotes the organisation of one or more entrepreneurial initiatives in the territory of the Municipalities of the area involved in the Antonio Merloni crisis. The aim is to strengthen and regenerate the local productive fabric not only by attracting new investments, but also by relocating the workers of the company Antonio Merloni, currently under extraordinary administrative procedure.

The funds available to grant incentives amount to EUR 26 million, to be financed through the resources of Law No. 181/1989

Applications to access the incentives may be sent to Invitalia S.p.A. - National Agency for inward investment and economic development (Contracting Authority) from 12.00 p.m. on 1 June 2016 until 12.00 p.m. on 30 June 2016. The procedures and forms are indicated in the specific section dedicated to Law No. 181/1989 on the Agency’s Internet website (, available in Italian and English.

Download the notice here (only in italian)

List of workers Ex Merloni (only in italian)


Access the section dedicated to the Programme Agreement for the former Merloni area and news about it (only in italian)

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