
aggiornamento Avviso Pubblico Una Tantum


Update on the “Una Tantum” call

12 March 2021

The Una Tantum notice expired on 5 March.

3082 applications were received, of which 973 were from self-employed workers operating in historic and commercial centres, 242 from self-employed workers in the entertainment, sports and culture sectors, and 1867 from self-employed workers in the leisure, entertainment, recreation and food service sectors.

During the month of March, Arpal Umbria, with the support of Sviluppumbria, will undertake the formal examination of the applications received and then prepare and approve a single ranking of the final eligible recipients ordered according to the criterion of increasing ISEE Ordinary Income (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator). On the basis of this list Sviluppumbria will proceed with the payment of the grant to the eligible recipients.

The Umbria Region is in the process of evaluating whether to reopen the notice with the remaining financial resources due to the reports received on the difficulties encountered in meeting the ISEE certification requirement.

For updates and news in this regard, please visit the websites of Arpal Umbria and Sviluppumbria .

In addition, the following dedicated telephone numbers will continue to remain active for information: 075/5681280-281 and 0744/806070-071.

Visit the section for the Una Tantum call


4 dedicated telephone numbers:

☎️ 075/5681280

☎️ 075/5681281

☎️ 0744/806070

☎️ 0744/806071