
Avviso pubblico una tantum: pubblicazione graduatoria

una tantum

Publication of rankings - "Una Tantum Autonomi" Public Notice

29 March 2021

Non-repayable grants of 1,500 € to self-employed workers in the Umbria region affected by the economic crisis resulting from the Covid-19 emergency.

The Executive Determination n. 308 dated 26.03.2021 has approved the lists of the applications admitted for financing and those excluded, and the list of eligible applications sampled to check the accuracy of the self-certifications submitted.

The resources allocated were sufficient to finance all the eligible applications, so no ranking list was prepared.

The applications are published in order of the date and time they were sent to the regional system.

- List of the Applications Admitted (Att. A to the ED 308/2021)

- List of the Applicatins Excluded (Att. B to the ED 308/2021)

- List of the Applications Admitted for financing, sampled to check validity (Att. C to the ED 308/2021)

For more information, visit the  page dedicated to the Una Tantum Autonomi call.

For more information, contact Sviluppumbria SpA

from Monday to Thursday 8:30 -13:30 / 14:30 -17:30, Friday 8:30 -13:30.

- Perugia office: 075/5681280 075/5681281

- Terni office: 0744/806070 0744/806071
