
Presentazione nuove opportunità di business per le PMI italiane in Brasile. Webinar a cura di SACE in collaborazione con Confindustria

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New business opportunities in Brazil for Italian SMEs. Webinar presented by SACE in collaboration with Confindustria

23 September 2022

Sviluppumbria, partner of the Enterprise Europe Network, is promoting the participation of Umbrian SMEs in the webinar Seizing opportunities with CSN Mineração in Brazil as part of the protocol signed between the Umbria Region and Sace. The online meeting is organized by SACE with the collaboration of Confindustria and promoted by ANIMA.

The objective of the meeting is to present the Brazilian group CSN MINERAO to Italian companies. CSN Mineração is the second largest exporter of iron ore in Brazil. CSN is active in the mining, steel, cement and logistics sectors related to the transportation of minerals. The company owns the Casa de Pedra and Engenho mines, the Pires processing complex, shares the MRS railroad, and a terminal in Port of Itaguaí (TECAR) for the transport of minerals. The webinar will contain a corporate presentation of CSN Mineração and an overview of its operations and supplier qualification process.


Download the programme (.pdf) ->

The Programme: