
Programme of activities for internationalisation, year 2016

To internationalise and enhance

Programme of activities for internationalisation - year 2016

Recent decisions by the Regional Council have confirmed Sviluppumbria as the regional reference on the subject of internationalisation, thus allowing the Agency to fulfil its mission.
In 2016, Sviluppumbria will support the internationalisation of companies via different intervention technologies, all aiming to systematically coordinate, and fully involve the production sector, the work associations and consortiums with a view to a wide public-private partnership. It will concentrate interventions in the sectors and markets identified as priority by the Annual Framework Programme for the nationalisation of Enterprises 2016, approved by the Regional Council (Decision of the Regional Council No. 99 of 08.02.2016).
The Programme acknowledges in full the study on internationalisation entrusted by the Umbria Regional Authority to Sviluppumbria  (DGR N°1157 of 13.10.15), analytically identifies geographical areas and target countries for the next regional activities and possible integrations with the infrastructure of the players and national tools.
The first type of intervention regards the Promotional Programme for Trade Fairs 2016 (dedicated part of the website)

Attached is the list of the trade fair events of international importance for which Sviluppumbria will pass the enterprise a contribution towards their participation according to the procedures and terms and conditions envisaged in the public announcment.


UPDATE: Complete list of applications received, with indication of those eligible and ineligible.



PERUGIA - Telephone: +39 075 56811

Alessandra Donati


Telephone: +39 075 5681251


TERNI - Telephone: +39 0744 80601

Sonia Argenti


Telephone: +39 0744 806023


Coordinator Area of international activities, real estate and territorial marketing

Mauro Marini


Telephone: +39 075 5681231