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Ecodesign Best Practice

ECODESIGN – A NEW DESIGN PHILOSOPHY The term ecodesign evokes, perhaps more than others, the importance of the heritage of civilisation in the culture of the West because it associates and, in some ways, links Greek speculative philosophy with English empiricism, in a horizon of progress and development spanning more than two thousand years. It is no coincidence that eco derives from Oikos, which in Greek etymology refers specifically to the word house and means the administration of the home, the holding of a territory, but also the study of the common home in which we live. The English term "to design" has a very broad meaning and means to plan, to devise, to conceive products and services in form and function. The ideal synthesis to give meaning to this compound term could be "Designing according to nature", because the goal is to save the planet. But designing involves a process of analysis of what exists and a vision for the future, and what emerges from the reality in which we live is that the need for ecological transition is becoming more and more urgent every day. The lines of development in the near future are now clearly traced, keeping the earth's average temperature from rising by one and a half degrees within the century is an absolute necessity, otherwise there will be very serious consequences for the climate and the future of the planet, but the road ahead is fraught with obstacles.

Innovation ecosystems - some successful models

Innovation is a key competitive factor in the global economy as it contributes to the consolidation of the company in the market, differentiation from competitors and increased profits. In recent years, the traditional innovation model has evolved from a closed model to an open model, where the protagonists are local networks of actors - business, research, finance, public sector, consumers - increasingly called 'innovation ecosystems'. Download the report (in Italian) to learn more.

Creating a favourable environment for innovation in the regional system through participation in platforms and specialisation networks

The report (in Italian) aims to represent a targeted and precise analysis of a sample of innovative Umbrian start-ups and SMEs in order to get to know them and understand the problems faced in the start-up phase and, above all, to understand the objectives and strategies adopted by companies in the initial development phase, which is technically the most critical from an organisational and functional point of view.

Eco Innovation: sustainable innovation in Umbrian companies

Environmental problems, social challenges and the competitiveness of the global market make it necessary to change the way we do business in favour of growth paths that combine innovation and sustainability, i.e. eco-innovation. To what extent are Umbrian companies committed to sustainability? In reality, many companies that consider themselves sustainable only partially meet this definition. Some entrepreneurs embrace the challenge of sustainability only if and when they see a return on their investment, others make the environmental cause one of the fundamental principles of their business. Download the report (in Italian) to learn more.

Bioeconomy - Best Practices

The report (in Italian) provides an overview of projects co-funded by the European Union or by university research centres in various European countries, in order to respond to market needs and raise awareness among stakeholders, companies, bodies, public and private administrations, citizens. Sustainable growth is a crucial issue for highly industrialised and computerised societies.

Artificial intelligence

This report presents some best practices related to the technological frontier of artificial intelligence. It is mainly based on projects co-funded by the European Union to raise awareness among the various stakeholders (companies, institutions, public and private administrations, citizens) on a crucial issue for highly industrialized and computerized societies.

Eco-Innovation, a new development model

Eco-innovation expresses a complex and extremely revolutionary principle that represents a new path with respect to the concept of innovation as we know it. It is a new philosophy, a new way of understanding scientific research, as well as social and economic research. It is based the redefinition of products, modes of production, consumption, organizational systems, business models, models of governance of political and economic systems, with a single, great, ambitious goal: to protect the planet Earth by changing our way of life to ensure a future for humanity. Eco-innovation refers to all forms of innovation, technological and non-, that create business opportunities and bring benefits to the environment by preventing or reducing their impact or optimizing the use of resources, also by changing production and distribution systems and business models through a new sensitivity and awareness at the political and decision-making level.

Best Practice – Industria 4-0

Il sistema industriale, in Italia, come nel mondo, sta affrontando una sfida di cambiamento di grandi proporzioni che, secondo l’opinione generale, sarà una trasformazione radicale sia dei prodotti che del modo di produrre. È un cambio di paradigma che ha al cuore una rottura tecnologica senza precedenti: la fusione tra mondo reale degli impianti industriali e mondo virtuale di quello che viene chiamato “internet of things”, ossia un sistema integrato di dispositivi intercomunicanti e intelligenti che mette in contatto, attraverso la rete, oggetti, persone e luoghi.

Best Practice – Efficienza Energetica

Promuovere la diffusione delle Best Practice sul tema dell’Efficienza Energetica è cruciale per ogni società altamente industrializzata, tale studio si basa principalmente su progetti cofinanziati dall’Unione Europea per sensibilizzare i vari stakeholder (cittadini, imprese, enti e amministrazioni pubbliche). I principali ambiti presi in considerazione sono: a) costruzioni; b) industria, imprese e servizi; c) prodotti.

Best Practice – Economia Circolare

L’economia circolare è centrale per disegnare le nuove politiche economiche e industriali europee, diffondere le best practices in questo ambito ha lo scopo di aumentare la consapevolezza e il potenziale industriale di un modello economico che rappresenta un cambiamento sistemico in grado di generare nuove opportunità commerciali ed economiche e fornire benefici ambientali e sociali.