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News Innetwork

Webinar “Let's talk about #ETV as a tool for green innovations in public tenders” - 22 marzo 2022

Il webinar “Let's talk about #ETV as a tool for green innovations in public tenders”, è organizzato nell'ambito del progetto LIFEproETV, di cui ENEA è partnered è in programma il 22 marzo p.v. dalle ore 10:00 alle 12:00. Il webinar è dedicato alla presentazione di ETV, uno schema ambientale di tipo volontario, gestito dalla Commissione Europea nell'ambito del programma ETV dell'UE, e al suo ruolo come strumento per garantire l'acquisto di tecnologie innovative nell’ambito degli Acquisti Verdi (Green Public Procurement – GPP) e nell'Innovation Procurement e per conseguire gli obiettivi climatici e ambientali fissati nelle politiche nazionali ed europee legate al GreenDeal. L’obiettivo del webinar sarà quello di: - sensibilizzare i decisori e politici a livello europeo, nazionale e regionale sull'ETV, come strumento per accelerare l'acquisto di tecnologie ambientali innovative; - discutere sulle possibilità di integrazione di ETV nelle politiche, nelle strategie e negli strumenti a livello europeo, nazionale e regionale per gli Acquisti Verdi; - dimostrare ai committenti come ETV può dimostrare la conformità tecnica e le prestazioni ambientali delle tecnologie innovative; - spiegare agli sviluppatori e ai fornitori di tecnologie ambientali innovative come l'ETV può offrire loro un vantaggio competitivo. Maggiori informazioni sull'evento -> Registrati per partecipare ->

Festival of the New European Bauhaus: 9-12 June 2022

From 9 to 12 June 2022 the New European Bauhaus Festival will take place in hybrid mode. The main activities will take place in Brussels and at the same time a series of local events will be organised in the EU and beyond. The Festival, under the theme 'Together for a beautiful and sustainable future', brings together people from all walks of life to discuss the future of Europe: a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future. It is a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas and good practices in various fields: from science to art, design, politics, architecture and technology. It is possible to participate in the festival through 3 types of actions: The Forum aimed at exchanging ideas and points of view in topics related to the New European Bauhaus; The Fair in order to exhibit and present projects and prototypes that reflect and support the New European Bauhaus; The Festival, a moment that combines culture, art and conviviality celebrating, freedom of expression with radical, innovative and disruptive ideas and visions. Who can participate in the Festival? One of the central themes of the New European Bauhaus is co-creation. The European Commission therefore intends to shape this great event together with anyone who has good ideas, projects or a useful resource to share. There are many ways in which you can participate in the festival, by proposing the following activities by 31 March: 1. An independent local event to be included in the Festival and organised from 9 to 12 June 2022. More information -> 2. A project to be exhibited in the 'Fair' section. More information -> 3. An artistic performance to be presented in Brussels in the 'Festival' section. More information -> 4. A place in Brussels (e.g. museum and/or cultural space, café, bar, restaurant and other commercial places) to host your own project or that of others or even cultural/artistic activities. More information -> More information about the festival and and how to participate ->

Building sustainable development

InvestEU 2021-2027 portal now online

The European Commission has launched the InvestEU Portal, the one-stop-shop for European projects with a project database and the main objective of connecting project promoters with investors. Main features: The total project cost threshold has been reduced to EUR 500,000; Project information is only available to registered investors; Available information includes an interactive project map available only to registered users, success stories with full project description as well as a project directory grouped by countries, sectors and other relevant criteria; The InvestEU Portal will forward the projects to the relevant implementing partners who will examine projects falling within their geographical area or sector of interest. In case there is an advisory initiative, the InvestEU Portal can forward the relevant projects to the InvestEU Advisory Hub. In practice, the 'project promoter' of an EU-based project who wants to reach potential investors worldwide will be able to register the project in question on the portal in order to increase its visibility to a large network of international investors. The portal is also aimed at investors who are looking for investment opportunities in various sectors such as energy efficiency, transport, healthcare, renewable energy, broadband infrastructure or SME financing.
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InvestEU Programme 2021-2027 Tuesday 14/12/21 Programme presentation, features and instruments

InvestEu intends to mobilise investments worth at least 372 B€ to give a new impetus to innovation and job creation in Europe over the period 2021-2027. InvestEu will provide long-term funding, in particular for private investment to support sustainable recovery by helping to build a greener, more digital and more resilient European economy. Manuela Portale, Policy Officer at the European Commission (DG ECFIN), will talk to us about the main contents of InvestEU and its features, analysing its instruments: InvestEU Fund, InvestEU Advisory HUB, InvestEU Portal. An initial meeting on the opportunities that InvestEU will offer companies, to be followed by other appointments over the coming year, when it will be possible to analyse in detail the financial instruments that the EIB Group and the other implementing partners will make available. InvestEU -> Download the webinar agenda -> Register to take part in the webinar->
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"The role of enterprises for the sustainable development of Umbria" - Phygital event Wednesday 15 December at 4:30 p.m.

Event to launch and share the process of defining the REGIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT With DGR n. 1016 of 27 October 2021, the Council pre-adopted the Document "Preliminary outlines for the definition of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development of Umbria". A phase of broad participation has been initiated so that all the representatives of our regional community can be involved and called upon, as protagonists, to participate in the shared construction of the future Strategy. The event will be held in phygital mode: - 30 places for in-person attendance at the Sviluppumbria offices in Foligno (via Vici, 28) with obligation to present a Super green pass; - remote access with link. Click to register for the online or in-person event->
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LIFE: a inizio settembre al via le sessioni d’informazione sui bandi 2021

Nei giorni 8 e 9 settembre l’Agenzia esecutiva per il clima, l’infrastruttura e l’ambiente – CINEA organizza due giornate con sessioni di domande rivolte a tutti coloro che stanno preparando proposte di progetto in seguito allancio dei bandi LIFE lanciati nelle scorse settimane.
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Challenge Reload Umbria: deadline 18 May

Open Innovation Challenge: ideas, projects and solutions from young talents with companies in the Umbria region 7 SECTORS Each sector contains challenges identified on the basis of specific economic and social needs and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Mechanics, Chemicals, Textiles, Transport and Logistics, Agribusiness, Tourism, COVID-19 Emergency
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European Innovation Council Work Programme 2021: Webinar 14 April at 2:30 p.m.

The EIC will support start-ups, SMEs and research teams developing high-risk, revolutionary innovations in line with the European Green Deal. The European Innovation Council (EIC), launched on 18 March 2021, is the most ambitious innovation initiative Europe has ever undertaken, with a budget for the period 2021-2027 of €10 billion to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations. The EIC will support start-ups, SMEs and research teams developing high-risk, high-impact breakthrough innovations, contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Post-Pandemic Europe Recovery Plan. The 2021 Work Programme foresees financial support of €1.5 billion, provided through three main instruments: Pathfinder for advanced research on revolutionary/game-changing technologies. Transition to transform research results into innovation opportunities. Accelerator to develop and scale-up high-risk, high-impact breakthrough innovations. Register for the webinar
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Roadshow Umbria – Valorising Young People for a Sustainable Economy: Together with local enterprises and universities

The Umbrian leg of the AIDP CRS and Sustainability Roadshow will take place online on Friday 9 April from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The Roadshow is the result of the partnership between AIDP Nazionale together with ASVIS Click to take part in the event: Roadshow nazionale Valorizzazione dei Giovani per una Economia sostenibile: Insieme ad imprese ed Università del territorio (