Designing the Region's tourism offer

Planning of territorial tourism offer

Sviluppumbria, as part of the activities carried out on behalf of the Umbria Region, plans the regional offer by promoting existing tourism routes focused on cultural and environmental attractors, and also planning itineraries and new thematic products aimed at the diversification and sustainability of the tourism offer.

The routes and itineraries are a booming area of tourism that also builds on the development of the so-called slow and experiential tourism able to attract a specific segment of high-level visitors. Sviluppumbria deals, in particular, with the St. Francis Way and the Way of the Franciscan Protomartyrs, the Via Romea Germanica, the path of the Nera River and the lakes and the routes of Southern Umbria for the development of tourism in the Terni-Narni-Amelia area. To develop sustainable mobility routes, it designed the Assisi-Spoleto bike path, the two-seas bike route, the Trasimeno cycle ring, the ancient Flaminian Way cycle path and the Nera river cycle path.

Coordinator, Tourism and Promotion Area

Chiara Dall'Aglio
Telephone: 075 5681204