
Notice of selection, based on qualifications and interview, for the fixed-term appointment of the administrative director of Sviluppumbria S.p.A.

Notice of selection, based on qualifications and interview, for the fixed-term appointment of the administrative director of Sviluppumbria S.p.A.


The Regional Agency for Economic Development of Umbria - Sviluppumbria S.p.A.

  • Having regard to art. 23 of the Articles of Association, pursuant to which it is established that the Administrative Body appoints the Administrative Director;
  • Taking into account the functions and duties of the Administrative Director established by art. 25 of the Articles of Association;
  • Having regard to Resolution no. 253 of May 24, 2022 of the CEO which determines to approve "the Selection Notice, based on qualifications and interview, for the fixed-term appointment of the Administrative Director of Sviluppumbria S.p.A." including the attachments to the Company's records and give a mandate to the offices for its publication in the BURU and on the institutional website of Sviluppumbria S.p.A .;


that this Notice of selection, based on qualifications and interview, has been issued for the appointment, for the duration of 3 (three) years, of an Administrative Director for the Regional Agency for Economic Development of Umbria - Sviluppumbria S.p.A., with executive classification of the National Collective Labour Agreement for senior employees of credit, financial and instrumental companies.

The candidacy proposal, drawn up on plain paper and in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential Decree 445/2000 (with express declaration of being aware of the consequences deriving from false declarations, pursuant to articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000), in Italian, dated and signed with handwritten signature in full or digital, together with a Curriculum Vitae , in European format, duly signed (with handwritten signature in full or digitally) and a copy of a valid double-sided identity document of the candidate, must be submitted by candidates no later than 30 June 2022, at 12 noon, under penalty of exclusion, using only the appropriate forms available and published at the following addresses: www.sviluppumbria.it, section società trasparente – section “selezione del personale” and www.sviluppumbria.it, procedure in corso, “Avvisi pubblici” (see fac simile Allegato 1 below).

The application, as specified above, scanned in.pdf format, must be addressed to Sviluppumbria S.p.A., via Don Bosco, 11 - 06124 Perugia - and must be received by the deadline of 30 June 2022, 12 noon, under penalty of inadmissibility, by their certified e-mail address (PEC) at the PEC address  sviluppumbria@legalmail.it, with the subject of the PEC the following “CANDIDATURA AVVISO DI SELEZIONE, PER TITOLI E COLLOQUIO, PER L’ASSUNZIONE A TEMPO DETERMINATO DEL DIRETTORE AMMINISTRATIVO DI SVILUPPUMBRIA S.p.A.”.

Communications to candidates, unless otherwise specified, are provided only by publishing them on the website  www.sviluppumbria.it, section società trasparente – section “selezione del personale” and www.sviluppumbria.it, procedure in corso, “Avvisi pubblici”. These publications have full notification value.

The person in charge of the procedure is Dr. Mauro Marini, Head of the Operational Activities Function of Sviluppumbria S.p.A.

Any information on this Notice and / or clarifications can be requested from the contact person Dr. Laura Formica, at the following pec address  sviluppumbria@legalmail.it, indicating in the subject: “CHIARIMENTI AVVISO DI SELEZIONE, PER TITOLI E COLLOQUIO, PER L’ASSUNZIONE A TEMPO DETERMINATO DEL DIRETTORE AMMINISTRATIVO DI SVILUPPUMBRIA S.p.A.”- (switchboard telephone number 075/56811).

This notice has also been published in BUR della Regione Umbria - Supplemento ordinario al «Bollettino Ufficiale» - Serie Avvisi e Concorsi - n. 35 del 31 maggio 2022