
Public Notice to support investments in the cultural, creative and entertainment sectors

Action 3.2.1 ERDF ROP 2014-2020

The call is aimed at supporting the creativity, culture and entertainment sectors, with a view to restarting and relaunching the cultural sector of the Umbria Region affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the aim of accompanying the launch of new regional policies on audiovisual and creativity applied to the cultural industry.

Recipients: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, according to Article 2 of Annex 1 of the EU Regulation No 651/2014 operating in the sector of creativity, culture and entertainment, having their legal and/or operational headquarters in Umbria and entities operating under the regime d’impresa in the performing arts sector.

Financial resources: The financial resources available for this Call for Proposals total € 800,000.00 to be allocated from Axis III, Action 3.2.1 of the 2014-2020 ERDF ROP Axis III "SME Competitiveness".

Project Features:

The project must include investments - aimed at an increase in turnover, penetration into new markets, opening of new product/service lines - in one or both of the following components:

(a) investment in technological and digital industry equipment including related assembly and connection expenses;

b) acquisition and development of intellectual property (patents, original subjects and scripts, option rights on literary works, purchase of rights, creative development activities, etc.).

Contribution Intensity: Investment projects with eligible expenses of not less than 15,000 € are eligible for a contribution. The contribution is 75% of the eligible expenses. The maximum contribution that can be granted for each project is € 30,000 for each beneficiary.

Submission of Applications: The submission of the application will take place exclusively electronically via PEC to the address of Sviluppumbria (sviluppumbria@legalmail.it) starting from the day following the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette of the Umbria Region - BURU, and until 16 July, 2021.

For more information contact


Sviluppumbria Spa - Tel. 075.56811