Terni Narni crisis area

3.1.1 Notice - productive investments



"Terni Narni" complex crisis area

(Municipalities of: Acquasparta, Amelia, Arrone, Avigliano Umbro, Calvi Dell'Umbria, Ferentillo, Giove, Lugnano in Teverina, Montecastrilli, Montefranco, Narni, Otricoli, Penna in Teverina, Polino, San Gemini, Stroncone, Terni)


The objective of the 3.1.1 Notice is to promote and support the joint activity of public and private entities, aimed at protecting the existing production system, ensuring the revival of production activities and safeguarding employment, paying particular attention to the productive vocations that characterize the territories of reference.

The measure has a budget of EUR 12.8 million made available by the Umbria Region under the 2014-2020 ERDF ROP, Action 3.1.1. (Axis 3 - Competitiveness of SMEs). With a specific resolution of the Regional Council, Sviluppumbria was identified as an Intermediate Body for the implementation of this action.

The municipalities involved are: Acquasparta, Amelia, Arrone, Avigliano Umbro, Calvi Dell'Umbria, Ferentillo, Giove, Lugnano in Teverina, Montecastrilli, Montefranco, Narni, Otricoli, Penna in Teverina, Polino, San Gemini, Stroncone,  andTerni.

See the list of companies that submitted applications via PEC to Sviluppumbria  


Download the Bollettino Ufficiale dated18 September 2018 relative to the deadline extension to 12 noon on 17 October 2018.

The deadline for submission of applications under art. 8 paragraph 3 of the Notice is postponed to 12 noon on 17 October 2018. This change was published in the BURU on 18/9/18.

Download the public notice and the attachments for Action 3.1.1 from the Suppl. n. 3 BURU n. 29 dated 29/5/2018 

Download the attachments in an editable format (file .zip, 3 Mb)

Download the agreement between Sviluppumbria S.p.A. and leasing companies including the appendix (file .doc, 70Kb) 

The document Industrial Reconversion and Requalification Project (PRRI) of the Industrial Crisis Area «SLL di Terni» includes specific sections concerning: the regulatory context, the municipalities involved, the main links, the area SIN Terni Papigno, the demography, the business system, the productive fabric (exports, crisis sectors, business crises), the labour market, the master plan for the revitalization of manufacturing, the strategic guidelines of the GdCC, the planning capacity of the territory, the investment project of Alcantara S.p.A., the priority areas, the pool of workers to be reassigned, the lines of action, the localisation offer, the promotion actions, the monitoring actions, the subjects to be involved in the Programme Agreement, the planning. The annexes to the document concern: the planning of the territory, the available industrial areas, the instrumentation, the regional system of Research and Innovation and the credit system.

Leasing companies with an agreement as of the current date:

-BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions


See the links for:

- Curcular MISE n. 186916 dated 24 April 2018 - Norice Law 181/89 for theTerni Narni Crisis Area

- Invitalia dedicated section on the relaunch of the Terni Narni Crisis Area.

- Documents relative the the legislation (Regional council deliberations, presentations, other documents)

For more information about the Terni Narni crisis area, get in touch with the Infopoint contacts to the right


Infopoint contacts


Email: infopointterninarni@sviluppumbria.it

Sviluppumbria - Terni

Strada delle Campore, 13
05100 Terni

Office hours:      
Mon-Thur 8:30 - 13:30  14:30 - 17:30
Fri 8:30 – 13:30

Telephone: 0744 80601 - 0744 58542
PEC: sviluppumbria@legalmail.it 

Nicola Papi
Tel: 0744 8060.40
Email: n.papi@sviluppumbria.it

Paola Paccara
Tel: 0744 8060.22
Email: p.paccara@sviluppumbria.it

Giuseppina Baldassarri
Tel: 0744 8060.42
Email: g.baldassarri@sviluppumbria.it


Sviluppumbria Sede di Perugia

Via Don Bosco, 11
06121 Perugia

Office hours:      
Mon-Thur 8:30 - 13:30  14:30 - 17:30
Fri 8:30 – 13:30

Telephone: 075 56811, Fax: 075 5722454
PEC: sviluppumbria@legalmail.it 

Giuseppina Baldassarri
Tel: 075 5681.205
Email: g.baldassarri@sviluppumbria.it

Giuseppe Barberi
Tel: 075 5681.250
Email: g.barberi@sviluppumbria.it 

Gianluigi Aquilini
Tel: 075 5681.262
Email: g.aquilini@sviluppumbria.it


Coordinator, Services to Businesses Area

Simone Peruzzi

Email: s.peruzzi@sviluppumbria.it

Telephone: 075 5681.207