Terni Narni Crisis Area

Terni-Narni crisis area

The programme to relaunch the Terni-Narni area has a budget of 58.25 M€, of which 20 are provided by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and 38.25 by the Umbria Region

In the 18 municipalities of the crisis area, Acquasparta, Amelia, Arrone, Avigliano Umbro, Calvi dell'Umbria, Ferentillo, Giove, Lugnano in Teverina, Montecastrilli, Montefranco, Narni, Otricoli, Penna in Teverina San Gemini, Stroncone and Terni, the relaunch programme will make it possible to start or expand a business, develop R&D projects or undergo retraining or re-employment. The planned areas are: productive investments, energy efficiency and environmental protection, innovation, industrial research and experimental development.


Coordinator, Services to Businesses Area

Simone Peruzzi
Email: s.peruzzi@sviluppumbria.it
Telephone: 075 5681.207